Sunday, April 10, 2011

Waxing the cheese

Don't listen to a thing they tell you about this waxing process. No matter how you try to follow the directions that they give you it is a mess. I figured it out on my own. HA !.....For get the dip turn dip turn dip turn....Sticky mess and when you put it down on so called non-stick paper wax sticks to EVERYTHING..........Try this. Put your wax in an old crock pot, never to be used again except for wax. Heat it the take you cheese and yes the first dip is fine. Use a small fan as you see I did in the pic to quickly dry cheese. Dip several times between drying DO NOT set the waxed side down on non-stick paper it will stick and when you pick it up it will pull the wax off the cheese. Turn the cheese and dip the other end using the same process. Flip the cheese on it's side and gently brush it with a never to be used except for wax brush. Slowly rotate as you brush it holding it in front of the fan. do several rotations. I used rubber gloves at first but guess what ? They stick to the cheese and pull off the wax. I think that there are enough natural oils in our hands to prevent them from sticking to the wax. By the time you have completly coated the sides the bottom will be completly cooled and will not stick to the non-stick paper. Set it down and allow it to remain in front of the fan for 10 minutes. I put mine in a plastic bag and put it in the crisper in the fridge.     This cheese is Farm Cheddar and only has to age for 1 month. You can eat it right after it comes out of the mold but aging I think will give it more depth. We tried ours right out of the press and it was wonderful so we will be curious how the aging precess changes the flavor. I think we will age it 1 month then try some then rewax it and age 1 more month....Should be fun....

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